Campus Workplace Climate Survey
What is the Campus and Workplace Culture (CWC) Survey?
The University of Colorado system and each campus (Anschutz, Boulder, Colorado Springs, and Denver) launched the Campus and Workplace Culture (CWC) Survey in the fall semester of 2021. The survey provided an opportunity for faculty, staff and students to share anonymized information about the extent to which they feel respected, supported, and valued at UCCS. There were surveys for each of four populations: undergraduate students, graduate students, staff, and faculty.
The results are displayed below through Tableau. Results are best viewed with a desktop browser setting of 1000 x 800 pixels. We are working to make this website ADA compliant. Please contact irdata@uccs.edu if you need help with the dashboard or if you have general questions about the survey.
Tableau Navigation
- Select tabs across the top of the results page to view theme questions and data
- Use menus to select UCCS Role (Undergrad, Graduate Student, Staff, Faculty), Group (Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Political Affiliation), and Academic Unit
- Hover over bar charts and data points for more information
- Interpretation of Results. IR assumes a community-based approach to interpretation of the results in which students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to share their expertise and may choose to contribute in ways to validate their experiences. We hope this approach will enhance more equitable and shared decision-making.
- Anonymity. Survey participants' privacy will be maintained. We are anonymizing the survey after the surveys close and incentives have been distributed. Enabling this setting will remove metadata like an email address and disconnect the response from the contact who provided it. In this way, we can know which contacts responded through the distribution history (se we can send reminders) but we cannot know which response belongs to which contact. The UCCS Director of IR will manage the email distribution lists and deliver unique survey URLs to individuals in order to message respondents and non-respondents appropriately.
- Incentives. We intend to distribute $5 choice gift cards to the first 450 survey completers and more depending on the availability of funds. Survey completers will receive an email to choice a gift card of their choice via the Tango Rewards program.
- Security. The surveys will be administered through the IR instances of Qualtrics and the data are encrypted in transit and at rest. For more information about Qualtrics' security, read their security statement.
- Duration. The surveys will take about 10-20 minutes to complete. Respondents may leave the survey and come back later to pick up where they left off by clicking the same link in their email invitation.
- Accessibility. The surveys are compatible with assistive technology such as screen readers. The surveys will be accessible on smartphones but we recommend completing the survey on a computer. UCCS intends to provide a room on campus to allow students, faculty, or staff to complete the survey on a computer if they would like to do so.
- Population. Enrolled students and active employees will be invited to take the survey if they are 18 years or older at the beginning date of the survey. Individuals younger than 18 are protected minors and will not be invited to take the survey.
- Open-ended questions. There are no open-ended questions in the survey. This is intentional in order to uphold the confidentiality and anonymity of the survey respondents. It also prevents comments from triggering investigations. (The surveys do not constitute reports about illegal behavior or misconduct. Various resources to report misconduct or to seek support are provided throughout the surveys and in the footer of the surveys.)
- Results. The IR Offices at each campus will close the surveys and work with Offices for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion among other campus stakeholders who will develop communications, responses, and action plans to use the survey results to inform decisions and improve campus and workplace cultures. Reports and results will be available here on this website; any frequencies or crosstabulations that show small groups of 10 or fewer respondents will be suppressed to protect the identity of respondents who belong to that group. IR will not entertain ad-hoc requests to mine the data.
- Survey Instruments. There are four survey instruments customized for different populations within our campus community (undergraduate students, graduate students, staff, and faculty). The instruments are available upon request; please email mokeefe2@uccs.edu.
In 2019 CU launched the Diversity Engagement Survey (DES). DES was an initiative of the Board of Regents and administered by a third party. The survey had a low participation rate of 14% overall and 15.4% for Boulder, 8.8% for UCCS, 9% for Denver, 18.8% for Anschutz, and 48.3% for the system. In addition, the survey was not originally developed to have demographic questions on political affiliation or political philosophy. After consulting with system and campus leaders, CU has decided to transition to the Campus Workplace Climate Survey (CWC) which has already proved to have a participation rate between 53%-73% for faculty, staff and students on one of our campuses and allows us to have a more representative look at how different protected classes feel respected, supported, and valued at CU.
Campus Contacts & Websites
- Boulder CWC will be led by Sonia DeLuca Fernández (Senior Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), Dr. Dyonne Bergeron (Assistant Vice Chancellor for Inclusion and Student Achievement), Valerie Simons (Associate Vice Chancellor & TItle IX Coordinator), Teresa Wroe (Senior Director of Education and Prevention & Deputy Title IX Coordinator), Julie Volckens (OIEC Director of Assessment), Robert Stubbs (Director for Institutional Research), Dr. Frances Costa (IR Senior Researcher), and Dr. Amy Biesterfeld-Nakatani (IR Assistant Director for Assessment)
- Colorado Springs CWC led by Rame Hanna (Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) and Maureen O’Keefe (Interim Director of Institutional Research)
- Denver/Anschutz CWC led by Antonio Faras, Regina Richards, Jameel Mallory, Dave Deffenbacher, and Ian Whitman
- System CWC will be led by Emily Osan (DEI Specialist), and Ryan Allred (Institutional Research Coordinator)