Quick Facts
Additional Facts
14,894 12-Month Unduplicated headcount (FY23)
9,522 12-Month FTE student enrollment (FY23)
15:1 Student-to-Faculty ratio (Fall 2023)
66% taking at least one online course (FY23)
2,708 Degree Conferrals (FY23)
2,563 Degree Completers (FY23)
45% Overall Graduation rate
34% Overall Transfer-Out rate
67% Retention rate (2021 full-time cohort)
12.5 est. work hours per week among freshmen
15.1 est. work hours per week among seniors
82% surveyed alumni employed
39% surveyed alumni pursued advanced degree
Financial Aid:
74% First-Time, Full-Time Undergraduates Receiving Non-Loan Financial Aid (Fall 2022)
54% Undergraduates with Grant or Scholarship Aid (Fall 2022)
35% Undergraduates Taking Federal Loans (Fall 2022)
1.4% Loan default rate (FY 2019)
Additional Demographics (Fall 2022):
23% First generation undergrads
28% Undergrads with Pell Grant
20% Military affiliation
9% Registered with disability services
Fall Cohort (Fall 2022):
1,551 first-year cohort
736 transfer cohort
Faculty & Staff (Fall 2023):
804 Total Faculty
273 Tenured / Tenure-Track Faculty
201 Senior Instructors, Instructors, & Principal Instructors
36 Clinical or Research Faculty
294 Other Faculty
874 University or Classified Staff
1,613 Student Faculty or Student Workers
Financial (IPEDS FY23):
$27,274 Revenue per FTE Enrollment
$27,185 Expenses per FTE Enrollment
Tuition (Fall 2023):
$5,398 Avg frosh/soph tuition charged
$6,285 Avg junior/senior tuition charged
$4,471 Avg graduate tuition charged
Please note that some of this data is updated only upon the conclusion of a fiscal year or of an aid year or based upon submittal of an IPEDS report. The data here are the most recent data available for distribution.
Last updated on February 13, 2024