Student Data
Explore enrollment, credit hour, retention, graduation data and more in the visualizations and reports below. And check out the Quick Facts page for a summary of commonly requested data points as well.Dashboards
The following dashboards are made available by UCCS Institutional Research. These visualizations provide detailed UCCS student enrollment and credit hours, retention/graduation, program/plan enrollments, and other useful information.
Our office is committed to making information and resources available for all users. Some data and reports are provided via tools that are currently not fully accessible, so assistive technologies may not properly interact with the information. We are working to improve the accessibility of our website and the resources we provide. If you have trouble accessing or using any of the data or reports on our site, please contact us at irdata@uccs.edu to request assistance.
Plan & Sub-Plan Enrollment

Explore academic plan/sub-plan (majors, minors, etc.) enrollment over time.
Program Review

Extensive plan/sub-plan enrollment, SCH, conferrals, courses taught by department and more.
*Access to this tile is limited to UCCS faculty & staff using UCCS credentials. If you believe you should have access and are not able to open the visualization, please email us at irdata@uccs.edu.
Online Programs

Explore online academic plan/sub-plan (majors, minors, etc) enrollment over time.
*Access to this tile is limited to UCCS faculty & staff and can only be accessed using UCCS credentials. If you believe you should have access and are not able to open the visualization, please email us at irdata@uccs.edu.
Cybersecurity Programs

Explore cybersecurity academic plan/sub-plan (majors, minors, etc) enrollment over time.
*Access to this tile is limited to UCCS faculty & staff and can only be accessed using UCCS credentials. If you believe you should have access and are not able to open the visualization, please email us at irdata@uccs.edu
First-time Freshmen Retention/Graduation

Explore retention and graduation rates for first-time freshmen cohorts.
Net Price Calculator

Uses institutional data to estimate net price information for current and prospective students and their families based on individual circumstances.
See Also: Bursar's Tuition & Fee Calculator
Financial Aid, Student Loans, & Household Income Reports
Financial Aid, Student Loans, & Household Income:
- Financial Aid Distribution Reports by Aid Year - 2022 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011
- Student Loan Default Rates (UCCS-National Comparison) - 2010-2018
- Student Loan Default Rates (Three Year Reports) - 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
- Student Loan Default Rates (Two Year Reports) - 2011 | 2010 | 2009
- National Student Loan Data System - The Cohort Default Rates (CDRs) for any institution are online. Use OPE-ID 004509 for UCCS
- Household Income Quintiles - Estimated income quintiles among undergraduate students from 2016-2021
- Household Income Quintiles Yearly Reports - 2017 | 2016