Data Request
Submitting Your IR Data Request
Thank you for your interest in Institutional Data! The time to receive data depends on the complexity of the request and availability of our staff. Occasionally delays may occur based on available resources and workload. Please allow at least 2 weeks for your request and give us as much advance notice as possible if you are working with a deadline. Send an email to irdata@uccs.edu if you have any questions or concerns about your request.
Before submitting your request:
- Please review the IR website at https://ir.uccs.edu/. We have a large amount of information already available on the site (including several dashboards that contain various year-over-year or term-over-term comparisons) that you may be able to use.
- If you are only looking for student data (simple bio-demographic data, grades, current enrollments, recent conferrals) then you may want to submit a request to the UCCS Registrar's Office instead of Institutional Research. If you think that might be the case, feel free to complete their data request form at Registrar Data Request.
- If you are submitting a request in support of a research project and do not already have IRB approval, please refer to the UCCS IRB website located here: UCCS IRB. This site contains valuable information regarding human subjects research and the required documentation for protecting subjects (including data protection). If you are planning a research proposal and have questions about whether your data request is viable, please contact us at irdata@uccs.edu so that we can discuss your request.
- Also review the UCCS FERPA guidelines here: FERPA Guidelines
- And to better understand the student data request process, please review this data request flowchart: Student Data Request Flowchart